Audio-Video Sermons On Line
Updated: 20 October, 2024

Years:  2004 - 2005
Years:  2006 - 2007
Years:  2008 - 2009
Years:  2010 - 2011
Years:  2012 - 2013
Years:  2014 - 2015
Years:  2016 - 2017
Years:  2018 - 2019
Years:  2020 - 2021
Years:  2022 - 2023
Years:  2024 - 2025


Associated ministries

Bro James Veremu - Put you always to remembrance

Bro Andrew Phiri - Reflections on Faith

Bro Akpan Blessing Nice - 7th Basket

Bro Shadrach Joseph - Rhema Life Ministry

Should you in any way not able to listen to any of the sermons on line, download the file directly to a directory in your PC and then open the file with an appropriate media player.

Songs written by Bro. Richard Gan and sang by Bro. David Curtman and Sons.
"I Belong To You, Lord Jesus" (Click here for Music sheet)
"I Belong To You, Lord Jesus"
 (Video.mp4) NEW
    I cannot remember precisely the year I wrote this song; it must have been between
                     1998 and 2002. This song came to me as a surprise. I was taking a shower, and as
                     usual I would sometimes praise the Lord with my mouth open towards the flow of
                     water from the shower head, creating a gurgling sound. This time, my thoughts of
                     His saving me just came out of my mouth with the words, "There was a time when
                     my heart was so lonely..."
  Then I found myself filled with an anointing, and I let my
                     mouth sing and the words just flow. In less than 5 minutes I was out of the bathroom,
                     at my study table, penning down the words.

"It Is Raining" (Click here for Music sheet)
"It Is Raining"
(Video.mp4) NEW
     In December 2004, I was invited to an assembly in Togo, West Africa, to minister
                     the I had revelation to impart regarding the season we are living in after
                     Bro. Branham delivered the SHOUT message (the First Phase of the Lord's Coming
                     to take His Bride, 1Thess.4:16) and the Midnight Cry (of Matthew 25); to turn the
                     heart of God's children to the Fathers' Faith. My message was entitled:
                     IT IS RAINING. Similar to the message THE MARRIAGE OF THE LAMB which
                     was delivered to the assembly in Malacca, West Malaysia, the congregation stood
                     to sing a Pentecostal chorus which caught me by surprise. The revelation of the
                     Early (Former) and Latter Rains was never understood by the Christians. Many were
                     taught to believe that the Early Rain fell on the Day of Pentecost after Christ Jesus
                     ascended into the Heaven.

                        After I ministered the Word I prayed for the words to write a song that will depict
                     the Truth of the Early and Latter Rains. I cannot remember when the lyrics for the
                     song came to me but it did take quite a while; I was picturing in my mind how the
                     TWO RAINS would fall. The fellowship sang it a few times just the way I wanted
                     and Bro David recorded it in his home studio.

"Wonderful Time" (mp3) (Click here for the lyrics)
"Wonderful Time"
(Video.mp4) NEW
  This is a song I wrote when I was in Zambia in 1995. A few believers and I were
                     going to visit a church, and I was sitting in the front passenger seat. Somewhere out
                     on an open road, I looked up to the sky and said, "It's a wonder day for the Lord
                     to come again." Then I started beating the car panel in front of me and the rhythm
                     came and the words flowed in my mind. Hence this song.

"Because I'm Yours, Lord" (Click here for the lyrics)
"Because I'm Yours, Lord"
(Video.mp4) NEW
                       Just praising His Name this song came to me, just because I'm His.

Songs written and sang by Bro. David Curtman
"When I Hear Jesus Sing A Song" (Click here for the lyrics)
"When I Hear Jesus Sing A Song"
(Video.mp4) NEW
   I wrote this song in April 2010. it was to be the last song written unto the Lord
                     before I heard and seen Him face to face. Instead, He chose to heal me from my
                     illness and I wrote more songs and now await His meeting us in the air. My son
                     David Jr. played the electric bass track and recorded and produced the song.
                     I sang and played the keyboard
guitar tracks. It is the most special to me of all
                     the songs I have written and recorded. I hope and pray you enjoy it, God Bless,
                     Bro. David A.Curtman Sr,

"Rise And Shine"  (Click here for the lyrics)
"Rise And Shine"
(Video.mp4) NEW

The Bridegroom's Lament"  (Click here for the lyrics)
"Reigning With The King of Kings"  (Click here for the lyrics)
"The Life Of The Tree (The Tree of Life)"  (Click here for the lyrics)

"Higher" [Sis Samantha Assouad, Lebanon] (Click here for the lyrics)