It has been 6 years since I last visited the Land of Karamoja in northern Uganda. The opportunity came again as the convention for the year 2011 was slated to be held in Moroto. Bro. Richard Gan of Singapore was to be the main speaker at this convention, but due to visa problems with the Nigerian High Commission in Singapore, he could not make it to Africa. The organizers of the convention Bro. John Mark Louse and the ministering Elders of Karamoja desired me to come in his place, though it was just 11 days after my return from India.


Interestingly there were old time ministers in Uganda who had taken the decision of making a first time visit to this isolated region, one of them being Bro. Charles Odipio of Tororo, a humble servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.



         Over-crowded Bus from Soroti.                              1st day of the convention 


I arrived Entebbe on the 7th of December 2011, and rested for one full day holding a meeting at 'LITTLE FLOCK CHURCH' Luzira, Kampala, and proceeded the next day for Moroto. It was a long and stressful experience. The entire journey lasted for 13 hours, but we only enjoyed paved roads for 6 hours up to Soroti, while the rest of the journey was very rough due to the poor condition of the roads. One of the trucks ferrying the believers from Kotido to Moroto fell sideways but the Lord saved the lives of the saints, but the one from Matany killed a motorcycle rider. The police had to arrest the driver to keep him from being lynched by an angry mob.


The standing capacity is the worst I ever seen on earth, as no one could restrict these Karamojongs from entering the bus once it had made a stop. Finally, we reached safely at about 7pm and the whole town of Moroto was overtaken by the presence of over a thousand believers from the hinterlands of Karamoja.



The attention of the Local authority was drawn to the program due to the influx of people into the small town of Moroto. The head of the Police called the attention of the organizers and requested there should be no evening meetings for security reasons.


The next to call was the RDC who was the commissioner representing the President of Uganda in Karamoja. He was there alongside the Director of Education and the School Headmaster of the venue of the convention. They were given the time to address the believers, and the regional commissioner personal noted that it was a miracle to see changed warriors becoming Christians and becoming examples to other Karamojongs. 



The meetings started on Friday, the 9th of December 2011 with a ministration after the welcome of the delegates by the officials of the Government who showed appreciation and love for the saints in Karamoja by staying throughout the preaching of the Word.


I was led to teach on the subject 'When God (Eternity) was trapped in time', showing God's plan for redemption after the fall of man which did not take God by surprise.


The second session commenced after lunch and I again taught on the 'The calling of a Gentile Bride and her future position as the Holy City of God'.  There was a wedding the next day which was officiated by the Pastor of Tororo, Bro. Charles Odipio. On Sunday the 11th we had 3 sessions being that there was a healing service immediately after the 1st sermon. The Lord blessed us richly with outstanding testimonies of healing and deliverance. The next subject was on the 'Four watches of the night' and finally on Monday I spoke on 'The Great Gathering'.



The saints in Karamoja are very good at evangelism, but when it comes to ORDER they are seriously lacking behind. Another thing is that as the area becomes more and more accessible, some ministers have started coming in to trouble them especially from the neighbouring Teso region.

The Lord laid it in my heart to speak on 'The order of the gathering of the saints'. A minister at the convention was telling others during the break time that the 5-fold ministry was the Holy Ghost in the books and tapes of the prophet, and as I passed-by, I asked him if the Holy Ghost had preached corporally in his church before and he was quiet.


There are people of such attitude that tend to distort the faith of others in this End-time Message group. These men have no genuine concern for the souls of men, as the sense for soul winning has died in them, but as soon as they hear that one had newly believed, they quickly run down to discredit the faith that have been built in these new believers.


The result is that those believers who buy their ideas become stubborn, and refuse to submit themselves to the God-given authority in a local assembly and to the entire body of Christ. You may have heard of the freelance believers, who do not belong to any local assembly, and no pastor is spiritual enough to lead them, neither is there a living apostle that God can use to give them direction, and some foolishly say 'I believe ONLY the prophet'.


As we resumed, I decided to share the series of dreams I had between 2003 and 2009 in which I saw the prophet messenger of this last Gentile dispensation, and these dreams were very direct and  they came when I was in moments of despair and needed direction. I will like to share the last of them in this report, but the 1st and 2nd are already documented for those who believe that God is alive and is still speaking, but for those who feel He closed his programs in 1965, it may not be necessary.

     ● The 1st dream was God calling me to FLY EAST, I saw the prophet clearly and heard the
        scream and that changed my life.

     ● In the 2nd dream I was thirsty and God showed me a crystal clean (flowing river of) water,
        and still pointed me eastward from where I stood to
a ministry (in Singapore) that gave
        me direction.

     All these was by the 7th Angel messenger.

     ● The 3rd dream was in 2009 in Kinshasa, D.R.Congo. I was sleeping with Bro. Andre Bitua who
        happened to be the only person who was not ashamed of my ministry as it was rejected in
        that land. My visa had expired because I entered the country on the day of its expiration.
        I was to go to Zambia but there was no fund and the saints had been waiting for 22 days
        shifting their meetings every other day. Then I had the dream.


That faithful night, at about 2am I saw the person of the prophet in the usual manner I had seen him earlier. He touched me from behind, and when I saw his face, I stammered trying to greet him. I was having a pestle and pounding some leaves (herbs) in a mortar. While I did the pounding, he added some other leaves to it and said this was for healing. He said to me, ‘You are going to Zambia isn't it so?’ I said ye-s-sss! He said again, ‘I will preach and there will be healing as usual’. We moved to Zambia in that vision, and as we approached the entrance of the hall where the believers were waiting, there was a fierce looking lion showing great strength, and I was so afraid, but he did not stop. I tried to go back, but I was under a force that I could not resist. He put me close to the side of the lion and asked me to observe it. Then he asked, ‘What do you notice about that lion?’ I was too afraid to see. The mane of the lion was touching my body but his teeth could not reach me. Then the prophet pointed to me the chain of great size such as I have never seen in real life. The lion could shake but could not go beyond the length of the chain, so we passed narrowly, and he started preaching and had discernment then I woke up sweating at about 4:30am.


I shared with Brother Bitua, and he held my hands and prayed, and told me that God had confirmed the Zambian trip. In the morning, the first person that called was Bro. Yves Kalombo, who was just returning from a missionary trip in ANGOLA. He told Brother Bitua that he had a burden concerning me and asked if he had heard of me of late. Bro. Bitua told him that I was right there in his home, and the brother drove down and gave money for a 2-month double entry visa. Another brother, Jean-Luke, came in the evening and told me that he had a burden in his heart to pay my air fare to wherever I desired to go in the ministry.


Saints of God, I got to Zambia and the Lord fulfil every bit of what I saw in the vision. Please read the Zambian mission report 2009. The chained lion was the witch doctor that was baptised in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ to the surprise of the entire land of Mumbwa in Zambia.


I just do not see why the saints of God should not boldly stand for the course of this great and outstanding grace of the Lord Jesus Christ in the ministry of the 5-fold in this closing minutes of the Gentile dispensation. The days of fussing are over and sincere believers are yearning for more of God, and where else could they get that rather than the same old fashion way which is by the WORD in a living ministry. Romans 10:13-17. The Holy Ghost is working in the ministry of the 5-fold to perfect the saints before the close of the Gentile age, and our unbelief cannot change it. Ephesians 4:8-13.



The convention came to a close on Monday afternoon after I had preached on the 'Order of the gathering'. In this message, I told the saints that there would not be a private resurrection and rapture for those freelance believers because in the scriptures - I Cor.15:50-53, and I Thess.4:13-18, Apostle Paul mentioned that we shall all be changed”, and again together we shall meet the Lord”. This is not just speaking of the sleeping saints alone with the living saints, but the living saints MUST be in unity for this to happen.


Remember that on the Day of Pentecost, they were together in one place and in one accord. We too can be in one place all over the world in one place – that in the WORD, and with that the realisation of this prophecy will come.

In another place Bro. Paul had this to say:

Obey them that have rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Heb13: 17.  I suppose that Paul was referring to men and not spirits, and these would be the ministers in the 5-fold that is being referred to in the above passage.


Did you notice in the message of Bro. Branham titled 'BEYOND THE CURTAIN OF TIME' that the prophet did not see Paul, Peter, Wesley or any other group except those who were of the age in which he lived and ministered. WHY?  It shows God's order as he told the Old Testament saints, “...and ye shall be gathered unto thy fathers or thy people” whenever he spoke of their death.


When the Seven Thunders mystery which holds the revelation of the coming of the Lord would be revealed, then the Bride of all ages would gather as one, both living and dead (sleeping saints), here on earth before meeting the Lord in the air. Until these Seven Thunders revelation is made known to the bride, all who sleep (die) are gathered only to those of their respective ages from Paul to Bro. Branham.



The ministers who came from outside Karamoja were Bro. Charles Odipio, Bro. Charles Omwata from Soroti, and Bro. Difas Mugambo from little Flock Church in Kampala. We had to hire a car as the buses left about 2 to 4am, and being a holiday period, we thought it wise not to venture into such early trips where there is no adequate security.





             Bro. Nice in Karimojong outfit.                             Ministers at the convention.


Bro. Difas and I separated from Bro. Odipio at Mbale and we reached Kampala at 9:40pm.  I had to hold a week long service with the Little Flock Church in Luzira, Kampala before returning to Lagos on the 28th of December 2011.



I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for his mercies upon his creation. There is nothing in this world that can stop God from reaching his people. As I travelled to the convention, I thought how I was going to relate with these people, things that I would preach that would be useful to them. I was wrong, for in God there is no minor aspect of his Word and power. The people followed the deep teachings, and when we interacted, they seem to be asking to climb to a more higher level.


In 2005, only a handful of them could read, and in 2008 I bought them 200 copies of their local dialect Bibles, but as I met them again in 2011, they were communicating with me in English language, and many had divinely received the grace to speak fluently and preach in English language. What an experience!


I feel highly favoured to be among these believers of Karamoja. They are simple and straight forward, and very sincere in their dealings. I remembered the first time I saw the supernatural physically was amongst them in a meeting in Iriri town. I will never forget that experience.

I pray the Lord will keep us simple that we do not miss his workings in these last minutes of our waiting. May the Lord bless you all richly in Jesus’ mighty Name. Amen.




No. 5 Alhaji Rasaki Shodia Street.

Idowu-Egba Bus Stop.

Isheri – Igando Rd. Lagos, Nigeria.




In 2005 when I first visited this region, I was told by Bro. John Mark Louse and other believers, of the people who had been living on Mt. Moroto for centuries. They are more primitive than those living on the Land, and do not associate much with other Karamojongs who are not mountain dwellers. They come down once in a while to exchange vegetables and precious stones for sugar, and other useful things of their choice.


One of the Government officials approached me to ask if we have any plan of reaching these people with the gospel. He said he had earlier discussed it with some of the believers but they referred him to me stating that they would want me to lead the expedition at any time that the Lord will make a way.






            Mt. Moroto, the home of Karamojongs mountain dwellers for more than 100 years.



Bro. John Mark Louse whom God had called to be an apostle to the saints in Karamoja have agreed to select some of the younger ministers to join me in this trip in the month of August 2012, if Christ tarries. We humbly request the prayers, material and financial support of those who will come across this report. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all. Amen.