The greatest of all revelations is the Deity, the Supreme Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ. You can't get to first base until you believe that.
[The Patmos Vision]

God revealed to Moses what to do. Moses spoke it and it happened. See? That's it, when it really comes from God. Now, we find out that it stimulates, and it gives joy, because it is God's Word, and the new wine stimulates when it reveals the Word; then it brings joy beyond measure sometimes…that it brings such joy till you get overflooded…Now, that's the thing that actually brings Life — the Word — and that brings the joy of stimulation of new wine.
[The Fourth Seal]

Look! What was once God's great secret, great mysterious secret in His mind, is now put in the hearts of the Believers, that is the Body of Christ. What was God's once great secret in His mind before the foundation of the world is now made manifest. Think of it! Oh, I'm sure we don't get it. Well, I can't see it the way I ought to, and I'm sure you don't.
Why do you hunger, Church? Why do you thirst? It's the Father trying to reveal this hidden secret to you, but you let so many things get it out of you. You let your job, you let your wife, you let your husband, you let your children, you let the cares of the world, you let some pastor, you let somebody else get that out of you, when you know that way down in your heart you're thirsting, hungry. It's God trying to reveal it to you (see?), the revelation; the last day is here.
[Christ Is The Mystery of God Revealed]

When God, in any way that He desires to do it, reveals to you, the question that's in your mind there's no more doubt, there's no more question about it, it's a revelation.
[We Have Seen His Star in The East]