Testimony of Sister Sandy Lim

It’s joyous to read and hear the testimonies of others concerning what the Almighty God has done in their lives, giving God the Glory. It’s a privilege for me to give my testimony here on this webpage. I give God the glory.

I come from a non-Christian family who practices ancestral worship. In my youth, whenever there was a festive celebration, I would help my mother in the preparation of those rites. However, each time my heart would ponder over the many gods – front door god, kitchen god, back door god, etc. – which was the real god?

At that time, my concept was that Christianity was meant for the "ang mohs" (western people). Once a colleague of mine took me to a Catholic Church. As she walked into the church, she did that "north, south, east, west" gesture and knelt in front of a statue of a woman carrying a baby. I had no knowledge of Christian denominational doctrines. A question mark hung in my heart. Which is the true church?

One day, my brother, Alan, witnessed to me the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and water baptism in His Name. I didn’t really understand about water baptism until one day, as I was sharing about it with a schoolmate, God revealed to me what it meant to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ instead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. That was the first revelation I had received from the Lord. I knew then that that was the kind of "water" I was looking for. My life had changed since the day I had accepted Jesus Christ to be my Saviour and my Lord. Thank you Lord.

It was a blessing that I was not attached to any denomination. Without any denominational background, I did not have to unlearn any man-made doctrine. I came to know the truth without any confusion of His Word. Of course, my Christian journey wasn’t so smooth. I had a hard time just going to Church and was criticized for keeping my hair long. My brother, Alan, got a scolding from my parents for leading me to the Faith but our wonderful Lord had always made a way for me to attend Sunday worship and fellowship. Then came a time when I got so tied up with assisting my father in his shop on Sunday that I could no longer go and assemble with the saints in worship and fellowship. Only once in a while was I given the privilege to go to church. But the Lord was always watching over me.

In my late twenties, my parents and relatives acted as match-makers in trying to find me a match. I told myself I would let the Lord do the job because I would only want to marry a man who truly loves the Lord. God knows best. Not long after, Alan needed someone to paint his new home. He sought the help of a believer by the name of Joses. I did not know much about this brother as I had only seen him in church. Somehow God created an opportunity for us to know more about each other. We got married in 1987. Today, we have three lovely daughters.

After our marriage, Joses and I did not attend any particular church whatsoever. In fact, we hardly go to church. Denominations were dry to us. Prior to our marriage, Joses did not attend any fellowship faithfully because of the confusion and mess in the "End-time message" churches. But we knew that if we continued in not having worship and fellowship with God’s people, we would not grow spiritually. Also, we would not get any closer to God if we stayed home every Sunday and fellowshipped between the two of us. We decided to go to a believing church to fellowship.

How the Lord led us to the ministry of Bro. Richard Gan was a miracle in itself. In getting back to church, we went to his fellowship because we had contact with him before. But we continued seeking the Lord’s guidance on the Truth and the ministry. Several months later, the Lord gave me a dream concerning Bro. Gan, and also one to my husband a little later. That was in 1993. We thank God for guiding us to His Word and Work in both our lives.

My dream came not long after I had attended Bro. Gan’s fellowship. In the dream, Bro. Gan was preaching during a service (at the Young Men's Christian Association where the believers gathered). There appeared a very bright light at a window by him. Then a radiant angelic figure of a man appeared. He was dressed in white and holding what looked like a trident. He was a man of magnitude and power, someone of authority. He uttered these words (similar to that spoken to Paul in Acts 18:9-10) as Bro. Gan stood in the pulpit:

"Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace:
For I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt
for I have much people in this city."

As to my husband’s dream, the Lord voiced to him that He was standing behind Bro. Gan’s ministry.

These dreams showed us that going back to Bro. Gan’s fellowship was the right path to take. We have since learned and understood many truths about the Word through his ministry than from any other church here in Singapore. [§ Notice the relationship between the "trident" and the "utterance".]

God has not stop working on us. He is always in our midst. I will always remember one particular incident. One late afternoon four years ago, I had a severe abdominal pain. I was at home with two younger daughters, aged three years and six years. The pain was so severe that I thought I would die. I kept on praying to God for His healing touch. I couldn’t get to my husband, so I called a sister-in-Christ, Nancy, for help. Thank you Lord for this kind and helpful sister. She contacted my relatives and immediately rushed down from her home, some 20km away, to my need. When they saw how pale I was, they suggested that I should be admitted to hospital immediately. I refused. I kept praying and telling myself that the Lord would heal me. My sister-in-law, who had medical knowledge, came and gave me some medication. Half an hour later, I was back on my feet again! Praise God for His healing. I truly believe as long as we hold on to our faith and trust in the Lord, He will surely come to meet our needs.

Living as Christians, our daily life is a testimony. Last year, I had my annual medical check-up. The doctor told me that I had polyps in my uterus and suggested a surgical removal. I was very upset and worried but Our Merciful Lord Jesus took care of all these worries. The very first thought that came to me was: if God had removed the tumour from our late Brother Branham’s wife, He would do it for me too. At the next appointment, I asked the doctor about the polyps, she said, "There’s no polyps."

"No polyps?" I asked.

"No polyps!" she confirmed.

Yes! Yes! God had removed them! In my heart I was jumping for joy. This God that I know is a TRUE LIVING GOD!

The Lord answered my prayers in times of need. Small or big, He will never leave it unanswered. It is just a matter of time – the right timing. He is Our Great Almighty God. He is patient with us, so let us be patient too. Wherever we are, be it at home cooking, at school studying, on the road driving, God is always watching over us. Submit ourselves to Christ and let Him take control of our lives, and continue to give thanks and praises to our Precious Lord Jesus Christ at all times.

God Bless You.
26 April, 2002