My story, actually all of our stories begin before the foundation of the world. We were in Elohim's mind BEFORE TIME BEGAN.  And God has a pre-set, pre-determined time for all of His Elect to "come forth" at their appointed times.

God brought me forth from a state of confusion in around the year 2017/2018 and started revealing Himself (Truth, The Word) to me a little here and a little there through the Prophetic*Revelation Singapore ministry. I was originally raised Catholic but my mother "protested" the religious ways of Catholicism. So I was originally baptized according to the scripture by immersion when I was only 10 years old; I'm 40 now.

I have tasted numerous denominations within Christendom but never had true revelation under any of them. My eyes were opened to God's revelation of Himself through the Prophetic*Revelation ministry. Coming from where I had my religious mindset and doctrine, when I first started listening to Bro. Gan, I at first didn't want to accept what I was hearing because it was contrary to what I had accepted and what was drilled into my mind from the beginning. The adversary never makes it easy for us to turn away from deception and to turn unto the revelation of the Word.

But anyway, when I came to the point where I was about to end my curiosity with PRO*REV, a feeling kept urging me to WAIT A LITTLE LONGER. So I did, and what an eye opener it was, and has been for me ever since. I have had a number of miraculous physical healings and blessings personally because of God's mercy and grace. I yearn for our King's return every day and pray that our Father sends His Son SOON

This testimony comes days after a personal hardship, physically and mentally. I went to bed one evening wore out and afraid. Afraid that if God were to let me die before His coming to get His Wife, that when He did come He would forsake me and leave me here alone. The following morning when I was leaving for work, I opened the car door, sat down (nothing on my mind, just empty thoughts) and I felt God speak to my heart as clear as day. And He said to me "I will never leave you or forsake you."

Oh saints, I hope we all keep each other in prayer and are getting ourselves ready for His appearing. Stay under the anointed 5-fold ministry until we become perfected and attained the very faith of our Husband Jesus Christ. Hallelujah!

Bro. Lee Garrand

[Dated: 20 Mar. 2022]