One of this generation’s great spiritual stalwart has now entered that sweet time of rest with His Lord.

 The sadness is almost tangible. But the Word-foundation so strong that we receive our comfort in knowing he is now where He always wanted to be.

 Our Beloved Bro. Gan – beloved all over the world – to so many people…

 I first came to know of Bro. Gan, after my conversion from Hinduism. At that time I was attending a church leaning strongly into Branhamism.

 A brother from our church had learned of Bro. Gan’s ministry and ordered 3 sets of 20 books from him, out of which one batch made itself into my hands. This was what saved me from getting steeped in Branhamism. Through these little white books, I received a wonderful revelation of the Work of the Five-fold ministry.

 In the course of our correspondence, I got a chance to attend  the Nasrapur Convention of 1994 (in India). I remember it was at that convention that he preached on ‘From Eternity to Eternity’, and released the charts and tracts there. During those 5 days of meetings, it was as if heaven had indeed come down to us. We feasted on the Word like little children at a banquet, eager for the next morsel. It was not just his style of oration, but the purity of love he had for us, his yearning for us to grasp the foundational truths of the Word, that held us in rapt attention.

 In 1995 again, at a Convention and Pastor’s Conference I had arranged for Bro. Gan in Tamil Nadu, he laid the foundation for the faith in the Work of the Five-fold ministry which until then was neither believed nor preached.

 When I was a young boy apprehensive about putting my feet out in ministry, questioning and gauging my part in the Lord's work, it was Bro Gan who recognized the Lord's plan for me, and encouraged and advised me in the early stages of my faith life, and when I went through rough spots down the road, it was he who once again chose to trust me and give me a boost when few brothers in the faith were either ridiculing and accusing me.

 We all need someone to believe in us and give us a push in life and he was that person for me. He chose to believe in the potential that the Lord had placed in me when it felt like the whole world was against me. His empathy always moved me. His words of comfort always came at the right time.

 He rejoiced in my labours when they bore fruit, and shared my grief whenever I was troubled, as I am sure he has done this for so many of the Lord’s servants striving in the vineyard.

 I remember when I was sick with Covid, how he kept calling every alternate day to check up on me.

 The last time I spoke to him was when I went to minister in Lebanon . His voice was already going faint, and he said he was more tired than usual. I told him how his ministry had brought forth so many new young plants in the Lord’s harvest field. I told him not to worry, that through his labours, there have sprung up many who will now keep contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints, and continue in the way he had delivered to us.

 As long as he was on this earth, he never laid down his sword – keeping the Word of God always before Him – his defense – his arsenal against the enemy. Even in his suffering, he gave the church the message – The Mystery of Suffering, as an encouragement – smiling in the face of his trials – not giving the enemy any ground to stand on.

 Bro. Richard Gan made history during our generation, and we should, each one of us, be proud to say, we were part of that era when stale manna was challenged, and new wine was being poured into new wineskins.

 He has been my heart’s – friend, my prayer support, my mentor, my spiritual father.

 And today, do I say I’ve lost him, or do I say my loss is heaven’s gain? Yes, I may not be able to see my dear Brother Gan in the flesh, no voice calls, no video calls in heaven, not on any earthly network. But as long as we are part of the family of God, and we are hid in Christ, and the sleeping saints are in Christ, and Christ is being formed in us, then the saints are with us as well. We will always be connected by the Spirit and by the Blood – this way, always having a part of him right here with us through Christ.

 No we haven’t lost him, we’ve just lost sight of him in that great growing crowd of witnesses that have gone on before, safely nestled in the bosom of our Saviour.

 Go rest high Bro. Gan until we meet again and while we are on this earth we will follow THE ARK.

 Bro. Shadrach K. Joseph
Rhema Life Ministry,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu,