Convention – India, February 2006

A Brief Report by Richard Gabriel D’souza



1st Feb.

Bro.Gan arrives safely from Singapore in the midst of a 3000-odd airport employees' strike.  He was greeted by Pastor Pratap Singh and his assistant, Bro. Suresh Kumar. The weather in New Delhi was warmer than expected to Bro.Gan.

2nd Feb.

Bro.Vijay and I arrived from Bombay. Bro.Pratap and his church had made all the necessary arrangements for the meetings.  All of the believers were eager and thirsty to hear the Word of the Lord.  There were also several believers from other states of India who came for the meetings too.  As in the rest of the other cities, Bro.Gan preached for about 2 hours in each service. The meetings were held twice a day on the 3rd to the 5th of February in the basement of a Salvation Army building and several of its members contributed by playing the musical instruments during the time of worship.

3rd & 4th Feb.

In one of the services, Bro.Pratap Singh spoke about the garbage dumps where many scavenging birds of different kinds could be seen in large numbers, but fresh meat where eagles are gathered together are a rare sight.


On the first day Bro.Gan preached on what went wrong in Christianity and the Faith the Christians possessed, and how God restored us to the revelation of the Truth. Religious beliefs and spiritual Faith plus good and bad intellect were expounded with many illustrations, examples and actions, as usual, of course.  The Letter and the Spirit; God Hides and Yet Reveals, How to subject one’s intellect to God’s Mind; The Spoken Word – Inbreathed of God; The Head and the Heart; The Brain and the Mind; and certain important statements of Bro. Branham were made clear.  Everybody was having a good feast and a whole range of topics were dealt with, yet staying with the central theme.  It was a tremendous joy for us who have heard and known many things to yet again see a deeper and a clearer progressive revelation. Just think about it, how much more the others were rejoicing to whom these things were new to them.

Bro.Gan touched briefly on Bible Numerics and Theomatics and gave a testimony of a part of his life too. There were not many people neither few but most were drinking the former rain which was falling heavily and everybody was having a wonderful time.  Job 29:23.

The great mysteries in creation and redemption The First Man and First Adam, and the Second Man and the Last Adam; The Great I AM revealing Himself  through His Son - The Masterpiece; The Lord Jesus Christ and His Bride-Wife; Glory to Glory and the New Birth were also dealt with during the meetings.

5th Feb.

On this last day of the meetings, Bro.Gan swept a whole range of topics from Alpha to Omega.

The convention ended with 5 souls surrendering their lives to the Lord with all eagerness for water baptism. Among them was a doctor, his wife and another friend of a Punjabi lady and another Marathi sister.

6th Feb.

Bro.Vijay, Bro.Pratap, Bro.Gan and I left Delhi for Ahmednagar on a 22-hour train journey southward. We did not have good sleeping areas on board. However, against all impossibility the Lord provided a way for us to be able to come together in one compartment. Praise the Lord!

In the train, whenever we have “chai” (tea) [we called it “light fellowship” which we had in abundance throughout our long journey to Ahmednagar], Bro.Gan would share with us several topics from Bible to Science to Health Food and personal discipline.




8th & 9th Feb.

There were also two meetings for each of the two days. This is the first time Bro.Gan was down here in Ahmednagar. The congregation was made up of believers and also those from the denominations. The evening services swelled to about 400 people. Though the common language is Marathi, yet the people well understood the message when it was interpreted into Hindi by Bro.Pratap Singh.  Bro.Gan dealt with the Signs of the Times and The Foundation of the Church.  He also dealt with the mysteries in Creation and Redemption.  Again there was joy and the people just loved the richness in the ministration of the spiritual food as It flowed so freely to them.  The life of father Abraham was so wonderfully brought out as a pattern and example for the church (ecclesia) and the great mysteries of hidden truths that were fulfilled in the N.T. were expounded. Yes, our trials and testings will end in the great blessing of physical regeneration before the promised SON of God comes for us in the rapture.

Books and tracts and charts in several Indian languages were snatched up by the believers and Christians who came for the meetings.

10th Feb.

In the morning we left for Mumbai (Bombay) in a taxi, a medium-sized "station wagon" car.  The journey took us nearly 7 hours. It was caused mainly by the many areas of massive road works throughout Mumbai, a task that India is undertaking to transform Mumbai to a Shanghai look.  The whole journey from Ahmednagar to Mumbai saw us witnessing at least 5 motor-vehicular accident scenes involving big vehicles.



11th & 12th Feb.

From the YMCA, where Bro.Gan stayed, to Kurla is about 20 km. We were able to get a reasonable air-conditioned mini-taxi to get us to and fro. The dirty dusty roads and polluted environment (the meeting place [assembly hall] is situated near a dusty and dirty area) took a toll on Bro.Gan’s throat for speaking long hours in our polluted dirty city of Mumbai.  He had a bad throat the following day but he was able to continue ministering the Word.

Kurla meetings saw believers from different parts of India and the city of Bombay. All gathered together in a small place belonging to Bro.Chacko.  The preaching of the Word was interpreted into Hindi and Malayalam. Bro.Gan touched several topics that are important to set the believers in order on the foundation of the Word of God. He also spoke on the Word, the Name and the Work of God and placed the emphasis on the Word of God for IT is placed even above God’s Name (Psm.138:2). It touched the very core of our hearts.  Bro.Gan always prayed for everyone in the Spirit and with a truly apostolic wisdom and understanding which few if not any that I know of have the ability, and may God continue to use him is our sincere prayer.



13th Feb.

A meeting was arranged at YMCA International House for the two assemblies of Bro.Hubert (in Borivli) and mine (in Agripada) to convene.  Bro.Gan spoke on unity and harmony among ministers and believers and that in the glorified state God will make us to forget all the bad things of everybody.


Bro.Gan prayed for Bro.Pratap Singh before the latter took a train back to New Delhi. In the afternoon he took a little time to share some Truth with the Secretary of the YMCA. We were blessed that the Secretary waived the fee for the use of the A/C Hall in the previous day’s meeting.

I am glad that Bro.Gan was ever willing to take time to listen to personal problems of those who are seeking for truth and counseling. He counseled my wife and I and my teenaged son and daughter about parent-children relationship; of the need to understand the “generation gap” between parents and children. I have also taken note of the importance of relating myself with other ministers who may not see eye to eye with me. I have begun to re-examine myself and would seek to do the right things with my children, and not forgetting also all the other necessary corrections in life.

15th Feb.

Bro.Gan left for the airport in the morning. It was a 40-minute journey that took twice as long. The highway to the airport was totally jammed up with motor-vehicles because of the massive road works and an accident on the road. The taxi was also running out of gas with no sign of a gas station in sight.  But all went well without a hitch with the mighty hand of God upon all of us.

We thank God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ for the 15 days wherein all the wonderful things transpired. I would like to thank the fellowship of Prophetic Revelation and Bro.Gan’s family.  May God choicest blessings rest upon you all.